10 Parenting Secrets You Will Learn in the Audio Course

The audio course is an essential parenting tool, whether you have toddlers or teenagers. These principles will change your home forever.

parenting tips

4 Parenting Principles That Make a Difference in a Day

When I was about to launch the audio course in 2019, I was listening to it one day while I was putting my makeup on. At the end of a lesson, I was shocked to feel tears streaming down my face! I felt so much HOPE and encouragement as a parent, and I know the same will happen for you.

What Skills Will I Learn as a Parent?

  1. How to get your kids to listen to you.
  2. How to make transitions smoother.
  3. How to help your kids to be better friends.
  4. When to engage in fights and when to wait.
  5. How to stay calm in tense situations.
  6. How to respond when your teenager backtalks.
  7. How to teach values to your children.
  8. Which behaviors to ignore, and which to pay attention to.
  9. How to apply these principles to neurodivergent children.
  10. How to fall into bed at night without feeling guilty about your parenting.

What is the Format for the Audio Course?

The audio course includes:

  • 4 principles
  • 13 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of content
  • 80 pages of printable resources
  • Lifetime access–it’s yours forever!

4 Parenting Principles That Make A Difference In A Day

Why I Love the Audio Course

The audio course is an essential parenting tool, whether you have toddlers or teenagers. The content is not age-based, but rather it is a science based course on human behavior and how our brains develop.

The audio course teaches that those behaviors that drive parents crazy are all part of normal development. It teaches that you cannot measure your success as a parent based on your child’s behavior. It teaches you to focus on the root cause of behaviors, not the symptoms. 

The audio course is easily consumable, so you can listen to it over and over again. You can get through it in one afternoon, especially if you like to speed up your audio! Additionally, you have access forever so you can revisit and re-listen as many times as you’d like, especially when you are in different phases of life with your children.

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