10 Podcasts About Positive Parenting with Ralphie Jacobs

My greatest passion is teaching parents how to raise their children in a loving home. Here is how positive parenting can make all the difference.

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting marks a really important departure from beliefs held by past generations. Beliefs that regarded children as unruly inconveniences meant to blindly obey their parents without consideration for their own wishes and needs.

At its core, positive parenting embraces the truth that children are inherently good and complete beings, and that they have the desire to behave well.

It empowers parents use their position as parents to create lots of good behavior through:

  1. providing positive experiences with positive behavior
  2. teaching children in a way their brain will learn
  3. building strong, loving attachments based on mutual respect.

If the simplicity and power of positive parenting resonates with you, these podcast episodes will be a great place for you to start!

ralphie jacobs podcast

Positive Parenting Podcast Interviews

Rediscovering Hope in Parenting Through the Growth Mindset

In this episode of the About Progress podcast,  I share my journey to expertise, placing significant emphasis on adopting a growth mindset in parenting. Throughout the episode, I offer insights on reinforcing positive behavior to overcome undesirable habits in children.

Above all, my core message is for every parent to embrace hope, as I give empowering tools to those facing challenging parenting situations. After listening, parents in the trenches will feel equipped and optimistic, ready to navigate their parenting journey with renewed confidence.

How to Handle Different Parenting Styles

In this episode, Brian joins me as we share valuable insights on dealing with different parenting approaches as a couple. With our experience from teaching various classes on the subject, we offer actionable tips, including surprising ones like the significance of doing nothing.

We discover how our diverse backgrounds influence our parenting styles. Listen in for a message of hope and grace for all parents, as we share that even in differences, we can find strength and unity in our journey as parents.

Positive & Compassionate Parenting

In this Mamahood podcast, I’m answering vital questions on how to handle moments when we’re about to lose our cool as moms, coping with tantrums, and enhancing our love for toddlers. I share invaluable advice on staying kind and calm in motherhood, as well as strategies to stop yelling at our kids.

Most importantly, this episode will leave you inspired and uplifted, empowering you to feel better about your motherhood journey without any judgment or guilt.

How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids

In this episode of the 3 in 30 podcast, I share 3 secrets to stop yelling at your kids and they all involve- being in control of yourself as a parent!

Here’s my favorite quote: “The prerequisite to all other parenting principles is to be in control of yourself as the parent. And this is a major struggle for parents. They feel like they are standing on the sidelines helpless, and their children are running rompus around them and all over them…But this can easily be changed. We should not feel like victims in our own households. We can find joy and delight in working in our own homes.”

Parenting Principles That Work Like Magic

On the Mint Arrow Messages podcast, I  shared my basic principles of positive parenting. With these simple principles, you can bring the joy back into parenting your children. I’ve personally witnessed how these teachings work, and I’m excited to pass on the magic of positive parenting to all of you.

Interview with Ralphie Jacobs

During this interview on On the Brighter Side podcast, I discuss positive parenting, family culture, and living with purpose. I open up with you about my thoughts on sibling rivalry, who inspires me, how I set clear boundaries, and what I hope my kids will learn from me.

10 Positive Parenting Tips

With Tony Overbay, I share my top 5 parenting tips PLUS I sing our Jacobs’ family song!

Parenting with Purpose

On the Extraordinary Moms podcast, I give great tips and insights into various aspects of parenting, including handling sibling rivalry, managing my own emotions, dealing with tantrums, and much more. Trust me, there’s one thing I’ll share with you today that you can implement right away to bring positive change to your family dynamics.

Modeling for our Children How to Endure with Hope

Back on the 3 in 30 podcast, I share a deeply meaningful interview about my heroic father who battled Multiple Sclerosis while raising nine children. He was diagnosed when I was just five, and despite losing the ability to walk by the time I was ten, he endured MS for over 30 years.

This special conversation includes my father’s presence, and it becomes a tender tribute and touching discussion between us. The experience will leave you braver, more determined to stay positive, and inspired to invest in enriching relationships with your children that last a lifetime.

Positive Parenting and How to Avoid Entitled Kids

In this interview with Kristen, I discuss my switch to Positive Parenting. (Yes, I haven’t always parented this way! It is never too late to want to do better). We also discussed how to foster gratitude instead of entitlement in our children.

Next Step in Your Positive Parenting Education

If you liked what I taught in the above episodes, you will love my audio course: 4 Parenting Principles That Make a Difference in a Day

Learn all about positive parenting in your car, while you run, as you clean- wherever you happen to be! Listen over and over again and revisit principles that apply to your current, ever-changing situation. And then revisits it again in two, or five, or ten years from now- it is yours forever! The audio course is always available to purchase for instant download.

I promise you can begin to feel like a better parent TODAY.

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