Decide What Matters This Christmas with These 7 Easy Questions

An intentional Christmas is possible when you focus on your favorite family traditions and disregard the rest.

The Importance of Family Traditions

Aren’t traditions wonderful?

They are the rich fabric of family culture. They are the ties that bind.

Some traditions come passed down through the generations, while others form through spontaneous circumstances.

Traditions make a family feel like a unique entity, separate from the outside world. They tell our children, “this is who we are, this is where we belong, and this is what makes us special.”

Children welcome traditions because they bring magic, joy, and familiarity to daily life. And Christmas traditions seem to be the most special of all.

I can’t tell you what traditions you need to have a beautiful Christmas holiday, but I will help you discover the magic for yourself and your family.

An Intentional Christmas Season

Christmas is often a time of more, more, MORE!

There are endless ideas for wonderful traditions, meaningful community events, and literally limitless options for gifts for all the people you love. All good things.

But with most things in parenting (and life) I’ve learned that simple and intentional is best.

Christmastime is meant to be a time of peace, not stress filled with rushing from activity to activity.

Have you ever wondered if all of the efforts you put forward to make the season special matter to your children?

A simple way to discover what Christmas really means to your family is to ask the right questions.

As parents, we want to send frequent messages that “what is important to you, is important to me too” and asking questions and listening to their answers is key.

The answers may surprise you. The simplest, least-intensive traditions have a way of being the most magical for everyone year after year.

What Christmas Means to Me Resource

I’ve created this simple printable (with a version for readers and non-readers) to be an excellent tool to start a family discussion.

First, print a copy for each member of your family, give everyone time to complete it, and then come together and discuss.

It will be plain to see what is a must-do, and what has been completely forgotten. I give you permission to let those things go.

Please know, I am not coming after your traditions!

If you truly love something, then absolutely use your time and energy to make it happen. I’m just asking that you let go of the less important things so your favorite, most magical traditions can shine.

intentional christmas

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If you want to learn more about your power as a parent, check out these other resources:

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