Our Favorite Back to School Tradition

As summer draws to a close and a new school year begins, our family gets so excited for one our most cherished traditions: the back-to-school dinner. This special evening is more than just a meal; it’s a time to come together, celebrate, and prepare for the year ahead.

How It Started

We started doing this when my oldest daughter was eight years old, but I think we could have started it when she went to kindergarten! We realized how important it was to create a positive and encouraging environment for our kids before they return to the classroom. back to school tradition

What It Looks Like

We put up a few back-to-school decorations (we use the same ones every year), and we pull out the fancy cups. Just a few things to make it feel a bit more special compared to our normal dinners at home.

What We Eat

Every year, we prepare a meal that everyone in the family loves. Without fail, the vote always goes to one of our favorite recipe combos from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe: broccoli cheese soup and breadsticks. The rich, creamy soup paired with the warm, soft breadsticks create the perfect recipe for a cozy and comforting atmosphere, which is just what we want our kiddos to feel at this gathering. We bring the girls in to help, chopping broccoli and rolling out the dough for the breadsticks. It’s the team effort that makes the meal even more special.

Words of Encouragement

The highlight of the evening isn’t just the food though! What truly makes our back-to-school dinner memorable are the notes of encouragement we write to each other. As we eat each family member takes a few moments to write a note to everyone else. My friend, the power of the written word is magic for a child! These notes are filled with words of love, encouragement, and motivation. We then take turns reading them aloud during dinner (helpful hint: make sure the tissues are close by!).

Reading these notes is always a heartwarming experience, and it’s amazing to see the smiles on our children’s faces as they hear how much they are loved and appreciated. These notes remind them of their strengths and the support they have from their family as they tackle new challenges. It’s a wonderful way to boost their confidence and remind them that they are not alone. I save these notes every year for my girls to look back on when they are having a hard day. 

Things I Love About You Placemats

This tradition also gave birth to my printable, the Things I Love About You Placemats. If your children aren’t quite old enough to write, or to write a whole note to their sibling on their own, these placemats are perfect for helping littles to start this tradition. They can think of a few words to describe what they like about their sibling and help contribute to the positive, affirming words that person will see when they sit down to eat.

If you’re looking for a way to make the start of the school year special for your family, I highly recommend starting your own back-to-school tradition. Whether it’s a special meal, activity, or writing notes of encouragement, the key is to create a moment of togetherness and support. Make it something you can all look forward to as a way to create cherished memories. Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning, and love!

If you are looking for other ideas to form your own family traditions, you might be interested in these resources:

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