What We Do With All The Halloween Candy

Not sure what to do with all the Halloween candy? Try my family’s strategy below, or scroll down to find 25 more ideas from our community!

extra halloween candy


What My Family Does With Halloween Candy

 Here’s a simple collaborative idea that just might work:

  • Step 1: Let your kiddo have their fill of candy on Halloween night.
  • Step 2: Let them choose a few of their favorite pieces to eat later.
  • Step 3: The rest goes in a big bin to be shared!

We love pulling out our Halloween candy bin for family movie nights, when friends come over (a great way to get conversations going with teenagers is to put candy in the middle!), or just when we have a hankering.

Below are 25 more ideas for what to do with your Halloween candy, from my amazing community!

Donating Candy to Other Causes

  1. After my kids have had their fill, we donate to the teacher candy bowl at school.
  2. We donate it to our local food bank.
  3. Our dentist buys it back from us and then sends it to troops overseas.
  4. We always leave candy out for delivery drivers!
  5. We let our kids choose their favorites, then mom and dad take the rest to work to put in the break room. Always a hit!

Exchanging the Candy

  1. We let our kids choose 10 of their favorites, then they swap the rest for a small toy. 
  2. We do the “Switch Witch” and they get lots of little toys and no sugar!
  3. We do the “Switch Witch” and their candy turns into a book they have wanted.
  4. I buy candy from my kids for at least 5 cents/piece, more for chocolate.
  5. I buy my kid’s entire basket for a set amount like $20-$30, then take them shopping for something they’d like.

Using it for Future Holidays

  1. We use it for a Thanksgiving kid’s charcuterie style dessert table.
  2. We recycle the rest for stockings and Easter baskets.
  3. I have each child pick 24 pieces to set aside for their own Christmas advent calendar, they love it!
  4. We set aside pieces that would be good for decorating gingerbread houses. Then I never have to buy candy for it!
  5. We use our leftover candy to throw at the Christmas parade downtown!

Repurposing the Candy

  1. We put ours in a bin for weekly family game night or movie night.
  2. My kids choose some pieces of candy to go in their lunches.
  3. Save the yummiest chocolate pieces and make a big batch of cookies to be eaten now, or frozen for later.
  4. We use it for potty training rewards!
  5. We use it to fill piñatas for birthday parties!

Letting Kids Be in Charge

  1. I put it out on the table as “community candy.” Not restricting the candy makes it so the kids eat way less.
  2. I leave it out for a few weeks, then throw the rest away.
  3. We let the kids put theirs in a bag and be their own overseers. Some binge it, others eat it slowly over 6 months.
  4. We let the kids do what they want! It’s their candy, they worked for it!
  5. We put it all in a random cupboard for them to grab when they want it, and usually it gets forgotten.

If you are interested in posts about how to keep food neutral in your home, you might like these resources:

1 thought on “What We Do With All The Halloween Candy”

  1. If you want your kids candy this bad why not go buy your own? I promise you that most other parents aren’t taking their children’s candy and acting as if it’s a kind thing to “share”.

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