What Is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is founded on the truth that children are born good and whole with a natural desire to do what is right. Let me show you how to embrace this truth in your home.


What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is vastly different from past generations’ beliefs that children are messy inconveniences that should strictly obey parents without thought or care for their own desires and needs.

Positive parenting is founded on the truth that children are born good and whole with a natural desire to do what is right. Through positive instruction, the parent does all that is within their power to-

  • give the child lots of reasons to behave well
  • support healthy brain growth
  • and build strong attachments that are based on love and mutual respect.

If this sounds beautiful but you don’t know how to start, let me be your guide!

Where to Start

My greatest passion is teaching parents like you, how to be the parents they want to be.

I consider it my greatest calling to teach parents the science-backed skills they need to improve the functioning and relationships within their families and to have more fun.

You can find me daily on Instagram, teaching, role-playing real-life examples, and cheering you on!

I also have an ever-growing Simply On Purpose Blog Archives where you can read more in-depth on popular topics and find helpful free resources, everything from After School Cards to Family Economy Charts.

Next Steps to Becoming a Positive Parent

When you are ready to take the next step and invest in your positive parenting journey, Simply On Purpose has 3 possibilities for continued education.

Though each offering is founded on the principles of positive parenting, each one has it’s own unique content, benefits, and community involvement.

I’ve found that different options appeal to different people at different times of their lives.

To help you navigate your options, I’ve created a fun flow chart to help you find the next right step on your positive parenting journey.

Simply On Purpose School

Learn positive parenting principles from the comfort of your own home at a pace that’s right for you. Feel the support of a community of like-minded parents, practice baby steps to lasting change, and get help with your most difficult questions during live Q+A sessions with Ralphie.


  • 5 weeks of live parenting instruction
  • 4 scientifically-backed principles of positive parenting that apply to any age
  • 10 live webinars, one instructional class, and one Q+A session each week
  • 30 minutes of exclusive Q+A with Ralphie each week
  • 1 simple worksheet a week to help you simplify concepts and build skills in a way that lasts
  • 6 months of replays
  • lifetime access to new monthly Q+As even after your session via our Facebook community page
  • lifetime access to a community of parents who are also striving to be their best selves, where you can find support and camaraderie.

Enrollment is limited by class size and only opens twice a year for registration.

Fall Session is now open! Reserve your seat here.

Click here to learn more.

Positive Parenting Workshop

Learn the principles of positive parenting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Feel the energy of parents just like you, collaborate with them, get fired up, and enjoy an experience outside your normal routine.


  • 5-hour event with rich examples, role-playing, group discussions, and Q+A
  • an experience with a beautiful venue, a meal, snack, and photo ops
  • opportunity to be with and learn from Ralphie live
  • an original workbook designed to engage you during the workshop and for you to use as a resource after
  • community and unity in a room full of other deliberate parents just like you
  • focused deep learning away from distractions

See if a workshop is available near you and buy your tickets here.

Click here to learn more.

Audio Course

Learn all about positive parenting in your car, while you run, as you clean- wherever you happen to be! Listen over and over again and revisit principles that apply to your current, ever-changing situation. And then revisits it again in two, or five, or ten years from now- it is yours forever!


  • 12 concise audio lessons (+ newly released Parent Traps)
  • easy to consume audio files that are accessible from your cell phone or computer
  • ability to listen in the car or around your home over and over again
  • 10 “parenting gold” printable resources
  • access for the household, both you and your partner may have access and enjoy the course together
  • discussion guide to start improving conversations between you and your partner
  • digital resources to enhance learning
  • lifetime access enables you to listen and learn over and over again

The Audio Course and Coaching Calls are always available to purchase for instant download! You can begin to feel like a better parent TODAY.

Click here to learn more.

It is not easy work breaking generational cycles, but you are here and you are doing it.

I can’t wait to show you how!

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