Strong Families Have Fun: 75+ Simple Ideas the Whole Family Will Love

I never really understood until after doing research that simply “having fun” is an important part of a strong family.

In fact, simple family fun is a part of the glue that holds a family together. It fortifies that strong attachment between parent and child, allowing your relationship to be multidimensional and whole.

And not even just having fun, we have to intentionally choose to have a good time doing the things our kids love.

simply family fun

Printable List of Fun

Our community has created a crowd-sourced list of free and easy ways to have family fun.

Add your email address below and it will be sent straight to your inbox.

Print it off and circle the things you want to do, check off the things you have done, and use it any way you wish.

simple family fun ideas


In addition, we’ve also created a list below of ideas that take a little more time and effort but will have big payouts of fun!

32 Simple Family Fun Ideas

Bring a book to life | dress up as characters and act out the scenes.

Spa day | facials, pedicures, and don’t forget the sliced cucumbers.

Read aloud a book |  watch a movie related to the time period, dress up, do crafts and recipes and activities all related to the book read aloud.

Mom’s/Dad’s childhood day | watch a cartoon you loved as a kid, read a book, or eat your favorite childhood snack. Make sure to show them pictures so they can laugh at you!

Set up pen pals for your kids

Learn some new games to play together

With what you have at home

Hide and seek | make it challenging by playing at night and turning off all the lights.

Bedroom tours | film your children giving a tour of their bedrooms and ask interview questions throughout.

Pretend the floor is lava

Freeze small toys in cups of water | use different “tools” (spoons, warm water, toothbrush, etc.) to try and break them out.

Cosmic kids yoga on youtube

Listen to children’s podcasts | try them while coloring or doing puzzles; Circle Round and WOW in the World are great ones to start with.

Living room campout

Family history night | teach your kids about their grandparents and great-grandparents who have passed on. Look at pictures make favorite recipes, tell them stories, and learn about how their lives were different.

Coin flip dive | take a family drive with a coin- at every light flip the coin to see what direction you go! Heads are left, tails are right – see where you end up and have a picnic.

Challenge friends to a lip sync battle | record yourselves and send the recording to those you challenge.

Fun Activities with food

Mini marshmallows and toothpicks | see what your kids can build!

Dinner and a show night | dress up fancy, light some candles, and include an extra special dessert.

Great British Bake-Off | watch some episodes of the show, then choose a food category and have everyone make their own version.

Cookie decorating

Tea party | linen tablecloth, real china, flowers on the table, special treat- makes a great setting for intentional conversation and connection.

Friday night madness | go get something to eat from several different places: the main course at one place, drink/dessert from another place, sides from a third.

Plan a surprise birthday party for a stuffed animal | don’t forget a cake, pinata, and party hats if you are feeling extra special.

Make a treat | drop the treats off to people who could use a pick me up.

Be a free ice cream truck for your friends | make a fun ice cream truck poster, buy fun ice cream treats, put them in a cooler with ice and drive to friends’ houses and call for them to come outside.

Create something

Paint rocks | include encouraging sayings and hide them around the neighborhood for people to find.

Make a music video

Color with chalk on someone’s driveway

Plant seeds | chia seeds are fun and easy and regrowing lettuce from a cut heart is also quick; avocado seeds are a fun one that requires more patience.

Recreate old pictures | try both family photos and famous paintings.

Paint night

Use cardboard boxes and painters take to turn your stairs into one big slide

How will you choose to have fun today?


If you want to learn more about how to have fun as a parent,  you might also like these other resources.

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