A Mystery Cafe: Our Favorite Simple April Fools’ Day Tradition

Family traditions.

I’m sure when you hear that phrase you are transported to tender memories and tastes from your childhood.

Aren’t traditions wonderful?

They are the fabric of a family.  They are the ties that bind.

Benefits of Family Traditions

As parents, it is our job and privilege to create lasting traditions for our families.

Before we let this overwhelm us, let’s look at all the good family traditions can do for our family.

A family tradition:

  • provides consistency year after year
  • makes a family feel like a unique entity, separate from the outside world
  • increases the sense of family identity
  • brings magic and joy to our everyday lives
  • helps children manage the changing seasons
  • provides a sense of stability and comfort
  • enhances personal and family well-being

Traditions can be created for everything from the big and monumental to the small and day-to-day.

The only requirement for a family tradition- it is something that matters to your family!

Over the years, our family has intentionally crafted traditions and learned that simplicity is the key to creating traditions we love and don’t mind repeating year after year.

Our Favorite April Fools’ Day Tradition

Today I am sharing my girls’ favorite April Fools’ Day tradition that they talk about all year- The Mystery Cafe!

Now we aren’t fans of mean or gross pranks at our house, but we do love a little silliness!  I love the mystery cafe because it could not be easier to set up and it is sure to bring laughs.

Last year Sybil unknowingly ordered a clementine and pasta sauce for an appetizer!

A Mystery Cafe: Our Favorite Simple April Fools’ Day Tradition

Steps for a Mystery Cafe

1- Plan a simple 3-course family dinner. You will need 8 components total that will cover the appetizer, main meal, and dessert. For example, a spaghetti dinner can be divided into spaghetti noodles, meat sauce, green salad, salad dressing, breadstick, broccoli, ice cream, and sprinkles.

2- Assign each component of the meal a letter and write it in the key so you don’t forget. Be sure to write them in random order!

A Mystery Cafe: Our Favorite Simple April Fool's Day Tradition

3- Print a menu for each member of your family by printing the two menu pages front to back and folding them in half.

4- Give each person a menu when they come to dinner. Tell them to use the order form to record their orders.

simple april fools' tradition

5- Let them color the back of their menus while you prepare the food.

6- Serve each course according to your key.

7- Enjoy their surprise as they get spaghetti and ice cream for an appetizer or broccoli for dessert!

I would love to hear what your kids think of this wacky meal.



If you want to learn more about family traditions,  you might also like these other free resources.

4 thoughts on “A Mystery Cafe: Our Favorite Simple April Fools’ Day Tradition”

  1. Do you print the menu on 2 pages? I’m trying to visualize – seems like it might be intended to print on the Front/back like a booklet?

    1. SImply On Purpose Team

      Yes Maria, that is correct. The menus can be printed to be double-sided and then folded in half like a booklet.

  2. I would love to do this with my family, but can’t get anything to allow me to click on to print a menu. Can you help, please?!?

    1. Simply On Purpose Team

      Hi Elizabeth. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, there will be a spot for you to put in your email address and the menus will be sent straight to your inbox. I hope this helps!

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