The Forgotten First Step to Raising a Tech-Wise Child

In today’s digital age, raising a tech-wise child can feel very daunting. With social media and so many apps and video games vying for their attention, it’s easy to worry about how much time our kids are spending on screens and whether they’re making smart choices. 

We often focus on setting limits and keeping up with the latest parental controls, but there’s a surprisingly simple step that can make a HUGE difference in raising a tech-savvy kid: prioritizing the parent-child connection.raising tech-savvy kids

The Power of Connection

It might seem unrelated at first, but the bond you share with your child plays an essential role in how they navigate the digital world. When your child feels deeply connected to you, they are more likely to understand their worth and make better decisions—online and offline.

Connection doesn’t just happen by chance; it’s built through time, trust, and understanding. When your child knows you’re truly interested in their life, their thoughts, and their feelings, they’re more likely to come to you with their problems, including the ones that pop up in the tech world. Whether it’s about a tricky situation on social media or a game that’s taking up too much of their time, your strong relationship will help them feel safe to talk to you and seek your guidance.

Why Connection Matters in the Digital Age

You might wonder, “How does being close with my child help them make smarter tech choices?” The answer lies in how connection shapes their self-esteem and decision-making skills. Children who feel valued and understood are more likely to trust their own judgment and set healthy boundaries for themselves. It’s not just that we want our children to adhere to the rules that we have set around technology, but also we want them to choose wisely when they are on their own.

Think about it this way: If your child knows you believe in them and support them, they’re less likely to look for validation from risky online sources. They’ll be better equipped to resist peer pressure and to walk away from harmful content or conversations. In a world where online interactions can often be impersonal and even damaging, knowing they have a parent who truly cares about them gives them a solid foundation to make wiser choices.

How to Strengthen Your Connection

Strengthening your connection with your child doesn’t require grand gestures or huge amounts of time. It’s the small, consistent efforts that make the biggest impact.

  1. Listen Without Judgment: When your child talks about their day or shares something that’s important to them, really listen. Put down your phone, make eye contact, and show them that their words matter to you. Ironically, the moments with the best connection happen when we disconnect digitally.
  2. Spend Quality Time Together: Whether it’s a simple walk around the block, cooking dinner together, or playing a board game, these moments of shared joy strengthen the bond with your child. The more positive memories you create together, the stronger your connection will be. (Get my free printable for 50+ ideas for special time with your child.)
  3. Be Curious About Their World: Instead of immediately setting rules or expressing concerns about their screen time, ask your child about what they enjoy on the television or online. Showing interest in their favorite shows, apps, or games not only helps you understand their world better, but also makes them feel understood and respected.

The Bottom Line

In the journey of raising a tech-wise child, your relationship with them is your secret weapon. By focusing on connection, you’re not just helping them navigate the digital world more wisely—you’re also giving them the confidence to value themselves and make good decisions in every area of life. So next time you’re worried about screen time or online safety, remember that the most powerful tool you have is the bond you share with your child.

The Tech-Wise Child Webinar

I am teaching a LIVE webinar on Thursday, September 5th at 9pm CST titled: “The Tech-Wise Child: How To Raise Your Child To Make Wise Technology Choices.” This webinar will be 40 minutes long (with a bonus Q&A!), and together we will learn 4 steps in raising your child to make wise tech choices. Even if you can’t make the live webinar, there is always a replay you can watch at anytime. Register HERE. I hope you will join me!kids smart with tech

If you would like more resources on strengthening your connection with your child, you will like these resources:

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