A Secret Way To Make Cleaning More Fun (an ode to my Spotify playlist)

As parents, getting our kids to lend a helping hand with chores can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But what if I told you there’s a simple and fun way to turn cleaning into a family affair? 

The secret ingredient? Music! 

And I’ve created a Spotify playlist to transform mundane chores into a dance party!

make cleaning fun


We all know that music has the magical ability to lift our spirits and energize us. Harnessing this power is a game-changer when it comes to getting kids excited about cleaning. The rhythm and beats of a carefully curated playlist can turn even the most tedious tasks into a fun and engaging experience.


Here is my “Kitchens Are for Dancing Playlist”! Up beat and perfect for the whole family!

If you want to create your own playlist here are some ideas:

  • Involve your kids in the playlist creation process. Sit down together and brainstorm their favorite songs or artists.
  • Keep it light, catchy, and age-appropriate. Upbeat tunes with good rhythms and encouraging lyrics work wonders! I’d recommend mixing in some familiar tunes from movies or TV shows your kids enjoy.
  • Think about the tempo – faster beats for tasks that require more energy (like unloading the dishwasher or vacuuming) and slower tunes for jobs that would be better done a little slower (like cleaning a mirror or dusting).


Now that you have your playlist ready, you can even assign specific tasks to each track!

Make it a game by setting a goal to complete a certain number of chores before the current song ends. For example, “Let’s see if we can finish putting away these blocks before the chorus kicks in!”

Rotate responsibilities with each new track, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to tackle different tasks. This not only keeps things interesting, but also it promotes teamwork and a sense of accomplishment.


Integrate short dance breaks into your cleaning routine. When a particularly catchy song comes on, pause for a moment to groove together. Not only does this add an element of fun, but it also provides a quick energy boost. Celebrate small victories with high-fives or a quick snack break – positive reinforcement goes a long way in keeping motivation high!


To make cleaning with music a regular part of your routine, be consistent. Designate a specific time each week for your cleaning dance party. This routine will help create a habit, and soon enough, your kids might start associating cleaning with music as a fun family tradition.

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