Magic of Positive Momentum: 3 Simple Ways to Add Fun to Your Parenting

One way to create positive momentum is using fun to get a behavior going and then keep it going in the right direction.

Asking a child to help with chores or to complete a mundane task is often met with “I don’t want to!” and “I’m too tired!”

This can be very frustrating for a parent.

But what if we knew how to change that?

The Magic of Positive Momentum

Parents have the power to shape behavior.


You start with something that is fun, easy, or interesting that changes the momentum and gets it going in the right direction. Just watch, the momentum can change and get the behavior started when we add fun to a mundane task.

See this in action HERE 

Parents can use fun to-

  1. start a behavior (like putting shoes away or playing gently with the dog), or
  2. stop a behavior (fighting between siblings or tantrums at the library).

The science behind positive experiences is that it creates a positive association with good behavior.

When we turn cleaning the kitchen into a game (versus a yelling match), our children’s brains learn to associate the good behavior we want to see with good feelings.

Children are far less likely to repel the responsibilities in the future because the experience was rewarding.

Plus, it is so much more enjoyable to parent this way!

3 Simple Ways to Add Fun to Your Parenting

Did you know that becoming a more playful parent is actually really smart parenting?

It’s not news that fun can work magic.

But here’s one more reason to give it a permanent place in your parenting toolbelt: it creates positive momentum!

Here are 3 ideas of how to create positive momentum using FUN as a tool with everyday parenting struggles.

1. Make it a game

Children are very responsible for things that are important to them.

Chores are not one of those things. Leaving the playground is not one of those things.

But they still need to be done.

So, make it a game!

This works for most things: cleaning up dirty socks, brushing teeth, and loading into the car before school.

The opportunities to get positive behavior going are endless! You just have to be creative.

2. Turn on music

If you know me, you know that I firmly believe in the magic of music!

Need enthusiastic helpers in the kitchen? Dance party!

Want the bickering to stop in the backseat? Turn on a favorite soundtrack and sing along!

Music makes everything better.

3. Try humor and silliness

A sense of humor is an attribute that a child NEEDS.

Life is hard. Not only does making things funny change the mood and keep a child in their yes/cooperative brain, but it also gifts your child with a model for how to not take life too seriously.

We don’t need to be hilarious all the time, but a tendency to create light moments really helps uplift a home and get the good going.

Instead of using angry reminders or demands, try using the strategy of humor.

It keeps things lighthearted and creates positive momentum.

See how fun this is HERE and HERE.

Examples of Positive Momentum

We’ve created a hand-drawn resource for you about positive momentum with real-life examples of how you can use FUN as a parenting strategy.


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