The Free Ice Cream Truck: Our Favorite Summer Tradition

Imagine the joy on your neighbors’ faces as you pull up in your van, music playing, and hand out FREE ice cream. Not only is it a delightful way to spend a summer afternoon, but it’s also an affordable, excellent way to teach your kids the value of service and bringing happiness to others. (Watch my reel about the free ice cream truck HERE!)

simple summer tradition

Why We Love This Tradition

1. It Teaches Kids to Give Back

Research shows that kids benefit greatly from doing acts of service. It helps them develop empathy, kindness, and a sense of responsibility. When your kids see the smiles and hear the thank-yous from neighbors, they learn firsthand how rewarding it is to do something nice for others.

2. It’s Affordable

You don’t need a big budget to create lasting memories! For about $20-$30, you can buy a variety of ice creams and popsicles. That’s a small price to pay for a HUGE amount of fun and goodwill in your community.

3. It Makes a Big Impact

You’d be surprised how much this simple act can brighten someone’s day. We’ve had neighbors talk about it for months afterward, reminiscing about the surprise and joy they felt when we showed up with free ice cream!

4. It Strengthens Family Bonds

Doing something special together as a family makes everyone feel good! It gives kids a sense of accomplishment, and it shows them that they are capable of making a positive difference in the world.

simple summer tradition

How to Create Your Own Free Ice Cream Truck

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your very own Free Ice Cream Truck tradition:

Step 1: Plan Your Route

We only visit houses of families that we already know. This helps ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable. Make a list of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances who live nearby and would appreciate a surprise visit.

Step 2: Gather Supplies

Head to your local grocery store and buy a variety of ice creams and popsicles. You’ll also need a cooler with ice packs to keep everything frozen. Don’t forget to make a fun poster! Cut out pictures from the cardboard boxes that hold the ice creams and stick them on your poster to show the options you have.

Step 3: Get the Vehicle Ready

Decorate your car or van with balloons and streamers to make it look festive. Have a Bluetooth speaker or a radio ready to play loud and fun music. This will grab people’s attention and make your ice cream truck even more exciting.

Step 4: Spread the Joy!

Start driving to the houses on your list. Play your music as you approach, and watch the smiles appear. When you arrive, let the kids help hand out the ice cream and chat with the neighbors. It’s a great way for them to practice social skills and feel involved in the process.

Step 5: Keep Going Until You Run Out

Continue your route until all the ice creams and popsicles are gone. Make sure to take lots of pictures and videos to remember the day. It’s a great way to capture the fun and share it with friends and family who couldn’t be there.

This is such an affordable way to make a big impact on your community. I hope you can spread joy (and frozen treats!) all around your neighborhood this summer.

If you’d like more ideas of how to create more meaningful family traditions, check out these posts:

4 thoughts on “The Free Ice Cream Truck: Our Favorite Summer Tradition”

  1. What kind of day do you usually go? Is this an afternoon thing or an after dinner thing?

    1. Simply On Purpose Team

      It can be either! Whatever works best for your family (and if you think your neighbors would be fine with their kids eating ice cream right before bed!)

  2. Do your kids get out of the car and walk up to the neighbors doors? Or just give it to whoever is outside?

    1. Simply On Purpose Team

      We usually let people know beforehand that we’re coming, but sometimes one of us has to go ring the doorbell to get everyone outside!

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