The Learning Project: A Year of Parenting Resources


The #learningproject was a vehicle for teaching parents the very best concepts that have changed my parenting. My team created content surrounding monthly themes, including a printable resource to help you implement and apply it to your parenting.

Because the project was so helpful it needed it’s own post! Feel free to snag whatever printable you missed in the Print Shop!


FEBRUARY: Look for the Good

When parents give positive reinforcement for behaviors that they like to see, it makes those behaviors stronger. This resource, “How Looking for the Good Creates More Good,” gives several examples of ways to “look for the good,” as well as reasons why looking for the good can help children long-term.

MARCH: Hold Space

3 Ways to Hold Space for Your Child gives three specific examples (with script options!) for ways you can hold onto your calm as a parent when your child is having big emotions. This helps your child to regulate more quickly and mirror your calm emotion.

APRIL: Behavioral Momentum

Did you know using behavioral momentum is more effective than yelling or threats in shaping a child’s behavior? It’s true! This resource is filled with over 30 tried and true ideas of how to create behavioral momentum (getting the good behavior going)!

MAY: Repair

What do we do after we have yelled? Or say something we don’t mean? This resource, “3 Simple Steps to Repair When You Make a Mistake” is a step-by-step reminder for how to repair a tricky situation.

Use it as a daily guide or as a starting point for a family meeting. Everyone in your family will benefit from learning and using these simple 3 steps.

role play practice

JUNE: Role Plays

6 Steps To Do A Role Play” is a one-page guide that will help your children quickly learn new skills!

You can use a role-play anytime you want your child to practice a specific behavior that needs to improve.  Role plays are a powerful teaching tool to create a positive association with a positive behavior.

Role plays are a form of “imaginative play.” And the research around how quickly children learn through play will astound you!

JULY: Don’t Sweat the Little Things

We know it feels near impossible to remain calm when certain behaviors happen–you know, the ones that just get under your skin. Remember: Don’t sweat the little things! Rewiring your brain to come up with a new response in those testing moments takes work.

We’ve done some of the work for you in this 2-page resource, “Things to Say Instead of Yelling” so you can move forward with a game plan when you’re faced with some of the most common rage-inducing moments.

AUGUST: Simple Systems

It doesn’t matter if you are a veteran mom or getting ready to send your first child to Kindergarten–school lunches are always a pain point!

The Build A Lunch printable will make packing lunches so much easier! Because it teaches your CHILD how to pack it. This visual guide will help children of any age pack a filling, balanced, and healthy lunch for school.                        

This bundle includes 3 printable versions with space to personalize to your family’s needs and favorite foods. We’ve even included ideas for each of the categories!

SEPTEMBER: The Value of Work

The Family Economy Bundle was designed to give you all the tools you need to set up a work for pay system in your home. A family economy is the answer to so many questions:

  • How can I teach my child true gratitude?
  • What do I do to get him/her self motivated to contribute?
  • Am I always going to have whining, needy kids at the grocery store?

The bundle includes:

  • Simple instructions on how to get started.
  • A versatile daily chore chart for your child to track his/her progress throughout the week. 
  • 20 FAQs about our Family Economy
  • Even a sample of one of my daughter’s daily charts!

The chore charts can be printed time and time again on regular copy paper and are now available in new colors.  Their sleek design allows you to customize the chores to your child and your home!

OCTOBER: Positive Consequences

Research shows that the most effective way to reduce NEGATIVE behavior in children is to give POSITIVE reinforcement to good behavior.

Positive Consequences add to a child’s life and motivate through encouragement and hope. They learn to associate good behavior with being happy!

​This one-page Quick Guide to Positive Consequences will give you examples of common negative consequences parents may not realize they are using, along with scripts​ to change them into Positive Consequences to help get the good behavior going!

NOVEMBER: Connection First

Do your conversations with your kiddos sometimes fall flat? Soliciting one word answers, or even grunts.

The Questions to Encourage Communication and Connection resource is packed full of open ended questions that will get your child talking.  This resource has a page devoted to younger children and a page devoted to getting your older kids, like teens, to open up. 

We’ve included questions for common situations and tips to help foster better connection with your child. Try out some new questions and practice with your kiddos after school or during your next car ride. It might take some time, but you’ll be amazed by how your conversations level up!

DECEMBER: Fill Their Cup

Fill Your Child’s Cup this Holiday Season, or really no matter the season! The simplest words and actions from YOU can make all the difference!  We firmly believe that a child with a full cup can be their best selves. 

You can use your energy to help your child feel seen and loved. You have the ultimate power to fill your child’s cup!  And the best part—it takes zero preparation. All it takes is a bit of your undivided attention.

In this download we have included both a printable and a screensaver to give you some ideas of how to fill their cup and help you remember how easy it is to give a little bit of your energy to your child.

If you would like to see more helpful resources, you will enjoy these posts:

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